While I was on location in Mexico, driving on a dusty road to Pantaleon's painting studio, I received an e-mail from a woman from Fiji - an e-mail that really made me happy.
“Thanks for the tremendous work you have done to my village. Working as a community or Public Health Nurse for the last 17 years, I know all what you have gone through, and it is not easy to get things done. There are so many obstacles on the way before achieving the objectives. Just an advice, let the community get involved and be part of all the on-going process of the project from day 1 till the the very last day, delegate responsibiities to them, and then only you will see a huge change.
Anyway, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. Your stay and exchanged of traditions and cultures is an eye opener especially to the younger generations of Nakavika village in years to come. Being part of the family and sharing whatever that has been prepared freely was such and enjoyment. The community were luckily to be part of you for a short while and the cream goes to the school children as part of their learning process. Whatever has happened will be history, and whatever will happen will be part of the memories that will linger on and we hope that you will take it constructively, in the understanding that adapting to a new enviroment needs more than 2 weeks. The exchange of views, cultures and ideas will be a big stepping stone to another new horizon and expecting more to come for the betterment of the community.
Not without that initiative and the urgency to help the people out in the rural areas would make that project a successful one and I can say that Nakavika village had gone another milestone. It is the culture, traditions, and the “taboos” that most of the rural villages are finding difficulties in to accept changes from outside world. But I do assure you that there will be a huge change in the future.
Thank you once again for your time sharing, laughter, and compassion for Nakavika village that enable your group to endure all the ups and downs of the people, however no one is a loser, both gain as a learning experiences. Well that’s all about life, one need to explore for the best and only the fittest will survive. So cheers to you all who have made Nakavika Project a successful one. Remember NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE - where there is a will, there is a way. Until then, moce mada. Vinaka vakalevu. Please do not forget that Nakavika village will always be ready to welcome you back.”